Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't get greedy.

Unfortunately, here comes the first post with a loss. 4 Sng's last night, 3 busts and 1 win. Even with that 1 win, it showed me a profit which was good but wanted to have that little bit more so decided to have a quick session on cash tables.

Went back to 4 tables but all the 10 people were full, and very rushed I tried something I've not played before, probably why I lost. Started on 4, 6 player tables. Haven't really played many short-handed sessions, and after last night, think I'll stick to my full tables. Played far too loose which proved my detriment. Started with $12 ended with $2.61, DAMN.

Well am only human, have to show a loss every now and then. Actually, NO. Last night was completely my fault. I didn't get sucked out on, I didn't take any bad beats, I played like a complete donkey.

Time to regain composure and look at the bigger picture. I am still up overall for my monthly goal. I think it's time to get some rest, relax, and try again tomorrow.


veggieman7 said...

Sorry to hear about your latest loss.Just stick to what you are best at,and watch that bankroll grow.Good luck mate.

ChuckTs said...

It's very easy to fall into the trap of checking your results too often, especially when you post them on a blog :)

Try to ignore your results for one week and then post them at the end, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much more focus goes into your actual play than your results.