I have always noticed that the best online players were generally logged in at the same times and playing exactly the same games and number of tables. So recently I have been 16tabling the $5 DoNs for 2-3 hours at night time and playing some 180s and mtts in the mornings.
I am hoping to extend my playing time at night to 4-5 hours just to get through more volume. I have noticed something that really shocked me. Just out of curiosity I visited SharkScope to view the top 20 players in Double or Nothing games with cost from $2-$5 and to my surprise a lot of the players have either slightly higher, the same and in some cases a lower ability score as me. The stand out difference is they all have around 10,000+ games played and I’m at around 5,500 at the moment. I’m seriously wondering now that I am increasing my volume and not diverting from the type of game I play if I will make the top 20 in the category. I would consider that a major brag. Whilst the game isn’t exactly rocket science I think to be considered in the top 20 of any type of game is something to be proud of. I wonder how many people that is out of. Must be thousands.
Anyways, let’s get back to the title subject.
First off, I am becoming even prouder of my poker playing ability. I’m feeling more comfortable, making better decisions, and yielding better results.
I attribute this to 2 main things at this stage.
1: My purchase of TableNinja.
2: That one session I had with Jamie.
Now with TableNinja I no longer think of playing a set of games of being able to lose x and need to win y in order to have a good session. I’m paying less attention to my all-in hands with is allowing me to make better decisions with whatever I am faced with at the time. Previously, if I was playing 16 games and I was all in pre flop with KK, I’d quickly drag the table up so I can always see it and watch the play. If I was called by QQ and saw the Q flop I’d instantly become upset and aggravated which in turn affects my play until I’ve gotten over it. If I was knocked out of a game I’d begin to say to myself “Well, I’m playing 16, just lost 1, have 15 left, so need at least 9 out of 15 to show a profit for this session”. Thinking like that is a recipe for disaster. The logical side of me knows this but the emotional side outweighs logic more often than not.
Now I’m of the opinion, “I’m going in with the best hand and whatever happens, happens. Let it be and focus on the next hand which is waiting for me". The other benefit is when a DoN gets down to 6 handed and on the bubble, when the game is over it simply closes without me knowing if I’ve won it or not, so I really have no idea what is happening whilst I play. All I have to do is focus on playing A+ poker and the rest takes care of itself.
Ok, now I’ll get on to the title subject.
(Have I been rambling too much again?)
Consecutive 180 player tournaments, both ITM!
Pretty cool stuff.
I actually played 4 games this morning. 1 which was the $2.75 mtt with over 7,000 people and 3 $4.40 180s alongside that.
I missed the cash in the $2.75 and 1 of my $4.40s. To be truthful I wasn’t paying as much attention to them as I should have because I was to focused on what was happening in the other games.
1 game I was in the top 20 of chips for the whole game and the other I had won a coin flip to put me in top 10 with around 50 players left.
In fact the game that I was in the top 20 for I was actually 1 out of 179 after 2 minutes when my QQ held up against AK all in pre flop. Always helps, thank you PokerStars.
I’ve had multiple ITMs while playing 9 player SnGs more times than I can count, but I’ve never done it at the same time in a 180 player SnG.
See for yourself.
Can you tell by now that I like pictures? Pretty cool huh!
Yet alas, this was about as good as it got. I finished 13th in the one I was short stacked in on the right and 7th on the left after I called an all in with QQ vs AJ and watched that lovely A drop on the flop, once again, thank you PokerStars.
Once again, I'm left with mixed emotions. I am upset with no win but from a personal growth perspective my game is finally approaching a new higher level.
This is justified not only by today’s results but also the following previous posts I've made last month and this month here:
February 18th 2010 won a 18 player SnG after being down to less than 1 blind.
February 22nd 2010 came 2nd in a $2.20 180 player SnG.
February 22nd 2010 came 6th in another $2.20 180 player SnG.
March 3rd 2010 had the highest cash ever in a $3.30 2000+ player mtt.
So my begging question is, am I simply on a heater? My answer is unequivocally NO. I am becoming a better player and so I should be for all the time, studying and training I've had over the years.
I’m still quite some way from the top but it feels damn good to know within myself I am getting better, admittedly probably slower than most people but its getting there.
For anyone that is of the belief that luck really is a factor and determines out outcomes in this game I can now really laugh in your face because for all I’ve gone through and where I am going now playing poker is clearly a game of skill.
And I'm getting better as each day goes on.
"So my begging question is, am I simply on a heater? My answer is unequivocally NO. I am becoming a better player and so I should be for all the time, studying and training I've had over the years."
OK - so a few possibilities here.
1) You are becoming a better player and this is the result.
2) You are becoming a better player, but you are also on a heater.
3) You are simply on a heater and you are not becoming a better player.
So, you attribute your recent success to becoming a better player at this early stage - and not just because of a heater and you do well for 100 or so 300+ player games. Then - lets just say that you tank for a while and it's just because of statistical variation - you need another 100 games to ride it out and get back on your game.
In that case - by taking the approach you have - you have set yourself up for failure cause you won't handle the tank as well. You'll beat yourself up about it and then change your playing style - which is the worst thing you could do. (I know you remember! :) )
This is the second post in a row you've said that these results are due to the changes you made. Given how many changes you've made over the years and how quickly you can abandon them if they aren't working, I suggest you put it down to being on a heater. Just give it a go! At least that way you'll be happy if your long term stats say you are on the way up and - more importantly - you won't expose yourself to the risk of abandoning something that really IS working - but that you think isn't because you've been hit by a bit of old fashioned standard deviation.
Remember when we hid the bankroll until the end of the month? You focussed on the wrong thing and as soon as the daily bankroll was out of your mind - bang! off went the graph.
Call out this improvement out AFTER your bankroll moves up an order of magnitude and save yourself a whole bunch of grief!
Anyway as far as today is concerned - nice work! I'll buy you a beer for that effort!
"So my begging question is"
Oh yeah...
dont be so results orientated I am sure your playing better but the results are so in the short term you can't resd to much into it.
not sure table ninja is soley resposnosible for your success. I think maybe its just helping you ignore the results asepct of poker and focus on making +ev descions.
keep it gping bud
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