Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Daleroxxu’s player interviews; GET ON IT!

Just a quick post to plug a player I have huge respect for Daleroxxu.

Dale has been kind enough to interview some of the best online poker players in the world and made these available for anyone to listen to.

In my opinion these are the best interviews I’ve heard because they are real, no bullshit to any of them. Dale asks the most down to earth and relevant questions any aspiring online player would want to hear.

Dales interviews to date are:
Jonathan Little
MI Turtle

I won’t offer the links here, go and check out his blog and you’ll be find links to all of them on the right hand side under “Daleroxxu Interviews”.

Dale has been in the online circuit for some time and his achievments include a winning the main event of the 2006 WBCOOP and he has been crushing SnGs for years now. He is currently ranked 19th for all Double or Nothing SnGs with buy-ins ranging from $36-$100 but I’m sure if he played more he’d easily be higher than that.

If you’ve not heard them get over there and download, they are an awesome listen.

Thanks for sharing Dale.



Anonymous said...

You do realise he'll now count you as one of his fanboys!

Some people have a ton of hate for the guy, i think he's pretty funny and plays off this persona he's created for himself. Something original in the world of blogging, a refreshing change IMO

Daleroxxu said...

haven't heard from any haters in a long time tbh

and custo i played Stars SNGs like 4 weeks total this year but nice to know im on some leaderboard haha

peace <3

Custo said...

@york, the way I see it mate, the guy has gone out of his way to share some quality shit and I always try to pay recognition where I see fit so its worth the plug (plus I do respect his sharkscope)

@dale, pull your finger out mate and go for #1! Then you can abolish the games and re-start that plo journey next year. Sick brag to end the year as #1 imo.